Zeus, I have one question after reading your impressive missive.

I think I understand ‘neo-conservative war porn,’ but I’m stumped by ‘neo-liberal sexualization of children.’

Is this a reference to the current attention on gender identification?

I’ve enjoyed your insightful sharing on other platforms and, although I have to read your writings more than once to grasp the intricacies and depth of your opinions, this is the first time I’ve needed to ask for clarification.

With keen interest,

Kryste Andrews

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Thank you for the firehose manifesto on courage. As a member of the tribe of "Those of you who once enjoyed “insider” status may find yourselves on the outside after siding with unpopular people and uncomfortable truths over favoritism and comfortable lies." I too have found myself on the outside of many comfortable circles where truth has been subverted in favor of comfort and convenience. I can only emphatically agree and offer a new motto: "Unite and Win!" It is that simple. We have the power, the creativity, the connection and the wisdom. Enjoy your time in the forest and connecting with the beautiful beings that are so plentiful and looking for deep interaction. The layers of falsehood being promoted are so multifaceted and intricately engineered it is only patient one on one safe interaction that seems to be able to gain a foothold at this point. Perhaps through the loving dynamic from a heart to a heart we can realize our way to a new sphere of being. One heart at a time.

Lets Unite and Win, David

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